Was Pollyanna Happy?  Meet Nazli Ermut and hear her answer.

Was Pollyanna Happy? Meet Nazli Ermut and hear her answer.

golittleton glad shop on May 18th 2023

People from around the world connect with the Pollyanna Story. Visitors from Italy, France, Hungary, Australia and so many other countries have visited Littleton to re-connect with the Pollyanna Story. The story speaks a universal language. Nazli Ermut of Ankara, Turkey reached out to the GoLittleton Glad Shop to share her Pollyanna story and how she even wrote a book about it! Her book, titled: "Pollyanna Mutlu Muydu?" Which translates in English to "Was Pollyanna Happy?" Veronica of the Glad Shop interviewed Nazli to learn more about her findings and tips for staying happy in tough times.

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